Unraveling The Learning Journey: Understanding Trauma’s Impact

Unraveling the Learning Journey: Understanding Trauma’s Impact on Choices

In the pursuit of personal growth, we often encounter the poignant wisdom of Dr. Viscott: “If you want to feel secure, do what you already know how to do. But if you want to grow… go to the cutting edge of your competence.” This sentiment echoes through various educational theories, urging us to explore beyond our comfort zones. However, when delving into why some individuals seem resistant to learning from mistakes, it’s crucial to consider the profound influence of trauma on their choices

The Learning Zone Model, conceptualized by German adventure pedagogue Tom Senninger, offers a valuable framework. Our Comfort Zone provides a sanctuary of familiarity, while the Learning Zone beckons us to the edge of our abilities. However, beyond lies the Panic Zone, where trauma-induced fear impedes learning. Understanding that each person has unique boundaries for these zones is pivotal, especially for educators, parents, and caregivers.

For those who have experienced trauma, choices may not be driven solely by preference but rather by the intricate wiring of the brain shaped by past experiences. The transition from Comfort Zone to Learning Zone requires delicacy, ensuring that risks taken do not push individuals into their Panic Zone. This nuanced understanding reframes perceived resistance as a coping mechanism, shedding light on the underlying struggle.

As a parent, I witnessed firsthand the impact of trauma on choices when my son, after a small incident in a play pool, developed a fear of water. His tiny brain, overwhelmed by a momentary loss of control, left him freezing whenever near a pool or the seaside. Through play, fun, and gradual exposure, coupled with trauma techniques like EMDR, I supported him in overcoming this fear. The key was support and gradual exposure with a trauma protocol—forcing would never have worked.

Educators and parents have such a wonderful opportunity to instill change, make an impact, and help a tree or flower bloom and grow by supporting individuals navigating their learning landscape. Frustration with seemingly repeated mistakes should be replaced with empathy and awareness that safety concerns, rooted in trauma, often overshadow motivation or laziness. Recognizing the unique zones of those we guide allows us to extend invitations rather than imposition, creating a space where choices can be made without fear of being pushed beyond their limits.

In conclusion, embracing non-violent communication (NVC) principles becomes a vital tool for parents, educators, teachers, bosses, mentors, and individuals alike. Reflecting on our interactions with an NVC lens fosters understanding and empathy, promoting an environment that nurtures growth. Let us actively engage in self-reflection and extend the same compassion to those around us, cultivating spaces where choices can flourish and individuals can navigate their unique learning journeys.

Best regards,

Karl DeSouza
Listening Ear Counseling and Consultancy
Pre Ltd

Safely Supporting Catalyzing Growth

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