Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd

About Us

Get to Know Us

Our Story

Our journey began in 2001 in Singapore, where, newly married and settled in corporate life, we felt a calling to contribute more meaningfully to society. Inspired by the movie "Patch Adams" and the spiritual works of Mother Teresa, and guided by the biblical phrase 'It is in giving that one receives,' we embarked on a path of discernment that started in our local church. This quest for deeper purpose took us to Hawkstone Hall in the UK, a place of serenity where we gained clarity and focus. Returning to Singapore, we engaged in school missions and counseling, deepening our resolve to make a difference. Our journey then led us to India, where we ran a palliative care hospice for people with HIV/AIDS and worked with local schools and communities. Read More

About Me

My name is Karl Desouza

Psychotherapist | Life Coach | Mediator | Trauma Specialist | Wellness Counsellor | Ferryman

(Accompanying, Witnessing, Helping others Navigate Life)

The therapist, coach, mediator with a welcoming smile, a compassionate heart, an infectious laugh and a bald shiny head! Warm, gentle, unassuming, and always approachable.

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Professional Qualifications:

  • Masters in Psychology (Clinical)
  • Masters in Sociology
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling and Guidance
  • Bachelor of Law (LLB)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computers

Certifications And Training

  • EMDR: Levels 1 and 2 by EMDR HAP USA
  • REBT: Basic, Advanced, and Associate Fellowship by Albert Ellis Institute, NY, USA
  • Choice/Reality Therapy: Certified by William Glasser International
  • Gottman Method for Couples: Levels 1, 2, and 3 by The Gottman Institute, USA
  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Certified by the International Alliance of Solution Focused Teaching Institutes
  • Nonviolent Communication: Certified by NVC UK
  • Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience (DARe): by Trauma Solutions, USA
  • Integral Somatic Psychology: by Trauma Vidya, USA

Professional Associations: Local (Singapore)

  • Singapore Psychological Society (SPS) – Full Member
  • Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) – Clinical Member & Registered Counsellor
  • Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors Singapore (APACS) – Level 4, Certified Master Practitioner
  • EMDR Singapore – Full Member
  • William Glasser Institute Singapore – Full Member
  • Transactional Analysis (TA) Association of Singapore – Full Member
  • Association of Christian Counsellors Singapore (ACCS) – Clinical Member
  • The Singapore Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy (SGEFT) – Full Member

Professional Associations: International

  • American Counselling Association (ACA) – Professional Member
  • American Psychological Association (APA) – International Member
  • International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP)-Fellow Member
  • EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) – Full Member
  • International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) – Life Member
  • Trauma Association of Malaysia – Overseas Member
  • National Association of Psychology (NAOP) India – Full Member
  • EMDR India – Life Member
  • Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP) – Life Associate Member
  • Bombay Psychological Association (BPA) Bombay India – Life Member
  • Goa Psychology Association (GPA) Goa India – Life Member

Additional Therapeutic Approaches:

  • Family Systems (IFS)
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
  • Satir Model Family Therapy
  • Brainspotting
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)
  • Person-Centred Therapy (PCT)
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Transactional Analysis (TA)
  • Gestalt Therapy

Institutes I am Accredited By, Member Of , Trained By:-

Our Approach

Our focus is to help individuals or couples or families heal, energise, and become aware of their inner strengths, resources, and regain agency over their lives, and thus become the best version of themselves. For us CONNECTIONS are important and the QUALITY of them.

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Our Mission

Our mission at Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd is to be a beacon of excellence in Singapore's mental health services, providing comprehensive, high-quality support using evidence-based, ethical practices. We aim to enhance client outcomes and satisfaction while fostering a collaborative, inclusive environment where every individual feels valued.

Our Vision

Our vision at Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd is for a world where peace, compassion, and mental wellness are fundamental rights, and every individual is empowered to achieve their fullest potential in a community that celebrates diversity and ensures universal access to quality mental health care.

Our Core Values

At Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd, our practice is driven by core values that ensure every client feels seen, heard, respected, and understood. We uphold Professional Integrity, Genuineness, Non-Judgmental Attitude, and Empathy in all our interactions. Our commitment to these principles guides us to work collaboratively, ethically, and responsibly with our clients, honouring and celebrating diversity in all its forms.

What Sets Us Apart

At Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd, our distinct approach sets us apart by offering comprehensive, individualised support that addresses a wide range of psychological needs. Here’s what makes our service unique:

One-Stop Holistic Approach, Support:

Karl’s broad expertise in dealing with issues from trauma and addiction to daily stressors means you receive comprehensive care tailored to your needs without the necessity of consulting multiple specialists.

Personalised, Ethical Care:

At the core of Karl’s counseling approach is a commitment to crafting personalized and ethical strategies. He values honesty and transparency above all, ensuring that each therapy session is clear and understood. This dedication not only fosters trust but also creates a secure, confidential space where clients feel truly supported.

Cultural and Gender Sensitivity:

Karl's extensive background in working with diverse ethnicities and gender expressions ensures that every client feels respected and valued. His inclusive approach to counseling celebrates and honors every part of an individual’s identity, providing a sensitive and respectful therapeutic environment.

Expertise Across Life Stages:

Karl’s ability to connect and provide relevant, personalised advice across all life stages—from the challenges of youth to the complexities of the golden years—ensures that clients receive precisely the help they need at each phase of life.

Exceptional Therapist-Client Relationships:

Known for his friendly demeanour and ability to establish deep, meaningful connections, Karl builds strong, personal bonds with his clients. These relationships are central to our consistently high levels of client satisfaction and are integral to the effective therapeutic outcomes we achieve. These pillars of our practice highlight how Listening Ear Counselling & Consultancy Pte Ltd stands out as a leader in mental health services, committed to delivering outstanding care and support to every client.

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